I got this from an old friend of mine. A little long, but all the questions are pretty much about my spouse. That is a good thing.
Here it goes:
1. What is your husband's name? Michael Wayne Wadley
2. How long have you been married? 7 years
3. How long did you date? 8 months and engaged for 8 months, not planned that way. Just happened.
4. How old is he? 30
5. Who eats more? Mike, unless it is boiled crabs. I am all over that. He knows it and will not compete.
6. Who said I love you first? I am pretty sure it was him in some sneaky way. sad that after 7 years I have forgotten
7. Who is taller? Mike, by a lot. I used to think that I was tall until I stand up to him and then I feel so short. I am 5'7" and he is 6'1"
8. Who sings better? I would have to say both. But when it comes to reading music and singing the right words, that would have to me. Mike gets a little confused sometimes.
9. Who is smarter? Mike, no question, he is in Law school for goodness sakes
10. Whose temper is worse? Mine, sad to say, but not hard to believe. Mike does not have mean bones
12. Who does the dishes? Both of us when we are both home, mostly me because I am the one that gets to look at them all day
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me as for right now, it changes when we have a kid I think. I like the left side for some reason.
14. Who pays the bills? I do
15. Who mows the lawn? Mike, he has more fun I think??
16. Who cooks dinner? Me.
17. Who drives when you are together? Mike
18. Who is more stubborn? No question, Me, at least I admit it
19. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Mike, sometimes I do, he has taught me a few things
20. Whose parents do you see the most? Mine. They live closer
21. Who proposed? Mike
22. Who is more sensitive? Me
23. Who has more friends? toss up
24. Who has more siblings? Mike, immediate family. I have 2 siblings and he has four. Me for the extended step and half siblings. I have more. 4 step siblings, One half brother, and one sibling that has passed away.
25. Who wears the pants in the family? Hmm, I try too. But I always ask him questions before I do something.
26. Where did you meet your husband? Church
27. What was the first thing you said to your husband? Hi my name is KaySea
28. Where was your first date? Not sure if it was a date but we went on a bike ride at a park.
29. Where was your first kiss? Mike's favorite thing about us, he was smooth. He took me to see the state capital in Topeka, KS and kissed me there.
30. Where did you get engaged? At the same park where we went on our bike ride. Very cute. I wanted my name on a bench in the park, because there were all these names there. He got a plaque made and put it on the bench that asked me to marry him.
31. Where were you married? St. Louis, MO Temple
32. Where was the honeymoon? St. Louis, MO a hotel there for one night and then 6months later we went to Hilton Head Island, SC for a week. It was very nice.
33. If you could have changed anything about it what would it have been? That the hotel would not have been under construction the same time that we were there and that the heater would have worked in our room. It was December 28th in Missouri. Very Very cold. Other than that it was perfect.
Okay, Jossie, Rachael, Staci, Jennifer, and Amy, your turn!!
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