Just a few pictures of what has been going on the last two months.
We went to the Grand Canyon and took a ton of pictures. I was in the car getting well aquainted with the back seat of the van. (just getting sick) Anyway I didn't know how sick I was till later. The boys had so much fun. Someone had taken the time to make a MINI snow man. We had to take pitures of it. On the way to the Grand Canyon we stopped at the Hoover Dam to meet up with my Dad and Susie and they had Bryce and Uncle Nick with them. They wanted to do the tour, so that went on ahead without us. I was bored and waiting for them so I stuck Klara in Mitchel's carseat. She was so happy there.
Our Easter pictures. Sorry these are not on the actual day of Easter. This was a week later. They all look great and it doesn't matter what day it was on as long as I got a picture of everyone in their Easter clothes.
We decided to get Klara a new swing. We have been bad and have been trying to make everything last a little bit longer. I had a friend come to visit that has a baby boy just a couple months older than Klara and she put him in the swing and was asking me, "Is this how fast this goes?" The swing was barely moving is what she was trying to tell me. I had no idea it was so bad. We changed the batteries and everything. Then we got the new swing, WOW, it almost seems like she might fly out of it. Love it though! Thanks to Babies R' Us!
In April we went on a hike at Red Rock. It is Mike's class tradition to go every year. They went last year and I didn't and I can't remember why. Hmm, like everything else I can't remember. Anyway we had a great time. We borrrowered a carrier for Mike to carry Mitchel in and I wore Klara in my Mai tai (?spelling) That thing was amazing and so comfortable.
Just threw this picture in here because Bryce was off in his own little world and I barely saw him while we were there. He is growing up so fast and it makes me kind of sad.
Okay!!! Not the right kid in here I know. It was the funniest thing peeking over to where the swing was and watching him try to figure out how to get in the swing without falling out. He didn't want me to take his pictures, but I had to. Later I found him in here with one of Klara's baby blankets yelling for me to put it on him. Crazy kid. I guess he doesn't want to grow up yet.
We broke down and bought a new swing this time too. It is so much better than our old own, and right now Sadie is actually asleep in it. Your little Klara is so cute. I love seeing her sitting in that chair. They are growing up so fast.
I know what you mean about growing up too fast. It IS sad!
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